Synchronizing Devices

Synchronise your files in the cloud

Benefits of the GMX Cloud

  • Automatically synchronise photos and videos to the GMX Cloud

  • Have your files backed up in case your device is lost or broken
  • 2 GB of personal cloud storage space
Synchronizing Devices

Be mobile and access files online

Are you looking for a cloud service provider that allows instant synchronisation from your device and gives you online storage for free? Our GMX Cloud account allows just that, and setting it up is a piece of cake.

In the GMX Cloud, your photos and videos are always available to hand, no matter what the circumstance. This is especially useful if you regularly use them on the go. Once you have synchronised files, you’ll be able to easily retrieve them online at any time. Best of all? It’s flexible with any device.

Imagine you’ve just started a small business, and you run into a potential investor while out for a coffee – the perfect time to use your elevator pitch to try and get this person interested in your business! With your files backed up on the cloud and easily accessible through your GMX personal cloud storage app, you can show someone professional content to help your pitch instantly.

Accessing your GMX Cloud account

Synchronise files and get flexibility

online access

Online access

You’ll be able to save important email attachments and upload individual files easily. This works best directly in your GMX Cloud account.

Go to cloud login

Android & iOS Apps

Android, iOS and
iPadOS apps

Store files online for free and keep them as close to you as possible – in your pocket! With our free apps for Android, iOS and iPadOS, you’ll have the most important information always with you.

Go to the apps

View of the cloud

GMX Cloud app

Understand your personal cloud storage

Accessing your GMX Cloud account is a walk in the park. You can access through your PC’s internet browser, or even easier, through your smartphone app.

The GMX Cloud app is available for iOS, iPadOS and Android and is free of charge. Having the app installed on your phone means you have access to your most important documents at the touch of a button.

Our handy automatic feature to synchronise photos and videos means that they are immediately stored, and annoying manual backups can become a thing of the past. Ensure you’re backed up and enjoy everything about these great features.

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